It's Not About You: The Importance of Knowing Your Customer with Justin Janowski | The Better Than Rich Show Ep. 76

Building a connection with your customer


Building a connection with your customer 〰️

It's Not About You: The Importance of Knowing Your Customer with Justin Janowski

Coupling personal development with God was a no brainer for Justin Janowski.  Founder of Faith 2 Influence, Justin found his calling to coach Christian coaches so that they can sell to more people and optimize their coaching.  For him, the idea of specializing in a very particular niche made a ton of sense.

Apart from the fact that working with fellow Christians meant that he and his clients shared the same values, niching down created an opportunity for Justin to become well-known in the marketplace.  While some may assume casting a really wide net and trying to collect clients as a generalist is the way to grow your business, Justin realized that serving a very particular demographic in the marketplace helps him to grow his business and serve people he really feels a connection with.

What was the best part of our interview with Justin?  The stellar sales insight!  Justin didn’t just sprinkle a few sales tips throughout our time together, he served us a straight up sales lesson complete with detailed examples of sales call exchanges!  

Justin is not only an incredibly gifted salesperson, he sells from a place of kindness and authenticity.  His talent for sales is known both inside and outside the Christian coaching world and once you listen to our latest episode, you will quickly understand why!

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