Parenting with Intention: Creating a Foundation for Success with Lila Wohlwend | The Better Than Rich Show Ep. 98

Strategies for Raising Entrepreneurial Children


Strategies for Raising Entrepreneurial Children 〰️

Parenting with Intention: Creating a Foundation for Success with Lila Wohlwend

You have to meet people where they are.  This is especially true when it comes to teaching children.  Lila realized that teaching a child in a way that appeals to his or her unique interests is truly the best way to make sure that child learns.  So, while homeschooling her two sons , she decided it would be best to appeal to them by using their interests as a guide.  Years later, it’s safe to say her strategy worked.  Both of her teenage sons have found remarkable success in the world of real estate investing.  

Lila and her husband are best-selling authors of “Family Success Triangle” and she has some great advice to share when it comes to raising the next generation of entrepreneurs in our latest episode of The Better Than Rich Show.  

First, use the gift of your creativity to teach and lead your children.  Lila has found ways to incorporate the education and development of her two sons into her daily life so that learning experiences can happen virtually anywhere and at any time.  Education is no longer confined to certain hours of the day or subjects so that both of her sons receive a real-world experience and education that have carried them both quite far.

The Wohlwends live a lifestyle of financial freedom and time freedom and it’s due to how they lead and educate their children. If you’re a parent or expect to become one some day, you owe it to yourself to hear more about Lila’s proven methods for education that have created immense advantages for her children.  

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